Brain Performance

For those on the path to mastery

Enrich your personal and professional growth by fostering resilience, boost cognitive abilities, and cultivate essential soft skills like adaptability, focus, and stress management through Autonomic's scientifically backed methodologies.  

Science-Based & Science-Backed

Unlock Your
Competitive Edge

The Autonomic Brain Performance™ Certificate signifies mastering the art of optimizing brain performance, and is the quintessential credential for individuals seeking a competitive edge in life. An invaluable training for navigating the complexities of modern high-demand environments.

Cognitive Enhancement: The ability to improve memory, focus, critical thinking and problem-solving skills in demanding environments.
Stress Management: Proficiency in stress reduction techniques like mindfulness, relaxation, and resilience-building exercises to maintain optimal performance under pressure.
Emotional Regulation: Skills to recognize, understand, and manage emotions effectively, fostering a positive and productive work environment.
Attention Control and Productivity Optimization: The capacity to sustain attention and concentrate on tasks amidst distractions, enhancing productivity and task completion.
Mental Agility: Adaptability and flexibility in thinking, allowing individuals to quickly learn new skills, solve complex problems, and innovate.
Sleep Optimization: Knowledge of strategies to improve sleep quality and quantity, promoting cognitive function, mood stability, and overall well-being.
Self-awareness: Understanding one's strengths, weaknesses, and cognitive biases, facilitating personal development and effective decision-making.

Your Missing Tool Kit

Ask yourself 1 question: Have you ever had any training on how to improve your brain performance?
Understand Your Own Operating System: The knowledge and training provided in this certification is meticulously curated to offer tangible benefits.
Life Check: Ever wondered how your day-to-day affects your focus? We're here to break it down and give you the brainy deets for a study plan that's all yours.
High-Performance Soft Skills: Learn and develop habits that are proven to help you excel and help you lead. All backed by science.
Track Your Wins and Insights Check how you're doing every day and get those lightbulb moments to keep levelling up.
The Autonomic Method: Autonomic delivers heightened cognitive ability in just 4 weeks, without overwhelming commitments or complex systems.

What would it mean to be 10% more performant?

As Featured In
"I feel like I have read the manual for my brain for the first time"
Founder, CTO
"I'm happy that it's becoming easier for me to focus more quickly when I need to."
— Catt S
"This certification has undoubtedly boosted my hireability and opened doors to new career opportunities."
— Meghan L.
"This has not only enhanced my personal growth but have also made me a more competitive candidate in today's job market."
— Ben R.
"TOTAL GAME CHANGER! Gaining a deeper understanding of myself and leveraging my strengths in various professional settings has been instrumental in my personal growth and career advancement."
— Lance S.

Level Up Your Performance,
Invest In Your Future

Intro to Brain Performance


Unleash your full potential in 4 weeks
Gain practical skills to enhance brain function and train performance habits
Develop soft vital skills to manage stress, build resiliency & emotional intelligence
Work with a dedicated coach through your personalized action plan
Elevate your hireability and stand out in today's competitive job market
Get Training
Autonomic Leadership


Master your leadership skills in 8 weeks
Drive individual & team success through the lens of neuroscience
Develop the right operational habits for success and optimize workflows
Learn to empower team members to perform at their best
Boost your leadership potential and differentiate yourself
Get Training

Frequently asked questions

What is the science behind this training?

Autonomic is grounded in rigorous scientific principles and supported by empirical evidence. Every aspect of this certification is derived from neuroscientific peer-reviewed studies, demonstrating proven enhancements in brain performance. There are 9 branches of neuroscience: Neurophysiology Neuroanatomy, Behavioural Neuroscience, Developmental Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Systems Neuroscience, Nutritional Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Neuroevolution & Neuroeconomics, Neuropsychology.

We've proven we can increase cognitive performance in as little as 4 weeks through our Autonomic Method.

How does it work?

At Autonomic, we've distilled the science of the brain into practical, easy-to-digest modules that ensure information retention and integration. Our process is straightforward:

1. The Kick-off: Join live or listen to the recording of Autonomic's flagstone workshop "The Neuroscience of Performance"
2. Choose Your Goal:
Pick from five key brain performance objectives like increasing focus or reducing stress, your key objective this will be highlighted in your certificate.
3. Tailored Training: This certificate is unique as it is adapted to your lifestyle. Our coaches help swap bad habits for effective new ones.
4. Daily Check-Ins: Get reminders via SMS or email and track your key metrics.interactions.
5. Three Minutes a Day:
Quick daily commitments offer actionable steps for cognitive improvement.

What makes this certification truly unique?

Our Expert Coaches:
Real neuroscience-trained coaches are dedicated to supporting your learning. That's right. A brain performance expert works with every person going through our training.  

What is the criteria for certification?

1. Consistent Daily Check-ins: Ensure you're logging in for a daily check-in **at least 5 days a week**. Consistency is key - completing this goal shows your commitment to personal growth.
2. Reflective Practice:
With each check-in, engage in our **self-reflection** feature. These moments of introspection are crucial for internalizing the information and skills you're learning.
3. Stay Informed and Engaged:
Our educational and communication emails are packed with valuable insights. **Read them all** (remember, we can track email opens) to fully benefit from the program.
4. Ace the Training Review:
At the end of your training, you'll take a training review test. Passing this test is your final step toward certification.

You will need to meet all four criteria above to unlock this achievement and receive your certificate. Autonomic reserves the right to withhold certification if any of these four criteria are not met.

Is my data safe and private?

We recognize the critical importance of privacy and security when it comes to your data. All user data is collected, encrypted, stored, used, and deleted in accordance with our Privacy Notice.

Level Up Your Cognitive Performance!

Join countless professionals excelling with newfound clarity, focus, and confidence.